2nd Patagonia Photo Contest

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Patagon Journal announces the launch of its 2nd Patagonia Photo Contest.
Open to amateur or professional photographers, from any country, we want to receive your best images of the Patagonia region of Chile and Argentina.
This is a part of the world that without doubt provides extraordinary possibilities for photography.  Last year, our inaugural contest was a great success with an impressive display of photos that made it difficult to decide the winning images. So, to help us with that honorable task this year, we have a distinguished panel of judges; they include:
  • Roberto Candia (www.robertocandia.com) - a Chilean photographer who worked as an Associated Press (AP) staff photographer for more than a decade, he has won no less than 22 photojournalism awards.
  • Peter Essick (www.peteressick.com) - a longtime photographer for National Geographic, Peter has produced images for more than 40 feature stories for the magazine and is author of two books, Our Beautiful, Fragile World and The Ansel Adams Wilderness
  • Ana Stipicic, one of Chile’s most important environmental leaders, Ana is the founder and leader of the Alerta Isla Riesco campaign (www.alertaislariesco.cl) which aims to protect Magallanes’ Riesco Island from a destructive open pit mining project.
Our official rules are similar to last year, photographers may submit up to two photos in each of the four categories: Nature, Environment, Travel & Culture, Outdoor Sports.
Thanks to our generous sponsors – Patagonia, Cruceros Australis, Mitico Puelo Lodge and Sernatur Los Lagos -- we can again offer fantastic prizes.
All first and second place images will be featured in an upcoming edition of the magazine; printed for display in expositions in Santiago and elsewhere; and will receive a 1-year (4 issues) subscription to the magazine.
The 4 first place winners will furthermore receive a gift certificate to the Patagonia stores in Santiago.
The public will select their favorite photo, which will receive 2 nights for two persons at the Mitico Puelo Lodge, including a full-day excursion at Tagua Tagua Park.
The overall winner will receive 3 nights for two persons with Cruceros Australis to explore by land and sea the southernmost fjords and channels of Patagonia.
We will pre-selects photos and post them daily on our website, Facebook and Twitter pages, so check back often to see if your photo is there and let us know which photos are your favorites.  
We look forward to seeing your photos!

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