Issue 27: The Last Gauchos of Aysen

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In the Aysén region of Chile, like elsewhere in Patagonia, the gaucho way of life – their impeccable horsemanship and rural knowhow, community solidarity, and sheep and livestock herding in distant pastures – is gradually fading away. Going on a two-day horseback ride through a ranch in Coyhaique Alto, Paula López Wood writes about the gaucho life in Patagonia and how Aysén residents are trying to revitalize their rural culture.
Also in Issue 27, we have a report from Sebastián Silva Alcaíno on the sea forests at the end of the world and how environmentalists are working to protect them. Rodrigo Barría writes about the new, devastating category of megafires and how tree plantations in Chile are combining with climate change to fuel these larger, more destructive fires. Ximena Martínez Astroza writes about visiting Iceland’s natural wonders, from its massive waterfall and lava valleys to the Northern Lights. Jimmy Langman interviews Sofia Heinonenabout her work at the helm of rewilding projects in northern and Patagonia Argentina. Carla Stagno Ruedi presents a stunning photography essay about the ancient and resilient araucaria trees of southern Chile. And Camilo Novoa files a dispatch about possibly the world’s best ice climbing park.
All those stories and much more in the new issue of Patagon Journal! Subscribe or become a premium member to Patagon Journal, purchase the magazine in our online store, or look for the magazine at stockists and newsstands.

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