Study determines what caused mass fish die-off at the Comau Fjord in 2021

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Fiordo Comau Photo: Sam BeebeFiordo Comau Photo: Sam Beebe

By Daniela Jofré
Centro IDEAL, Universidad Austral de Chile

During the months of March and April 2021, thousands of salmon died as a result of a microalgae bloom that occurred in the Comau Fjord, in the Los Lagos region, affecting ten salmon farms and causing losses of more than 6,000 tons. The appearance of the raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo took the aquaculture industry by surprise.

Guardians of Reñihué

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The Reñihué Valley in Palena, Chile. Photo: Eduardo Minte The Reñihué Valley in Palena, Chile. Photo: Eduardo Minte
By Rodrigo Barria
Editor's note: The following is from Issue 26.
To protect the Reñihué Valley through interdisciplinary work is the mission of the Reñihué Nature Conservancy Foundation, a non-profit whose long-term ecological monitoring of species is setting a new standard in conservation research in South America. The foundation combines scientific research, communication, and environmental education toward preserving the lush valley and wild Patagonian fjord in this historic private nature area located near the northern entrance of Pumalin Douglas Tompkins National Park in the Chilean province of Palena.

Salmon industry corruption? Former mayor imprisoned for bribery network in Puerto Natales

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By Radio del Mar
The former mayor of Puerto Natales, José Fernando Paredes Mansilla, has been indicted on charges of bribery, among others, and sent to prison. The controversial management of Paredes, who was mayor for 12 years, has plunged the municipality of Puerto Natales into a deep financial crisis due to billions of pesos spent on unfinished public works, contracts that were not fulfilled, double payments to suppliers, construction of infrastructure with serious deficiencies, and the existence of a network set up to appropriate tax money.

Biologist warns of malaria spread in sub-Antarctic birds

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Andrew Gregory, conservation biologist at University of North Texas.Andrew Gregory, conservation biologist at University of North Texas.
By Ignacio Palma
The arrival of mosquitoes with avian malaria, which since the 19th century has caused severe damage to the endemic avifauna of Hawaii, has scientists like Andrew Gregory on alert. He warns that in Isla Navarino, Chile, conditions could be propitious for the propagation and establishment of this parasite in local birds due to varied factors that have been unleashed in recent years.

Issue 26: Summer travel guide

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After a covid-19 pandemic that took a severe toll not just on the health of millions of people around the world, but also diverse sectors of the economy, Patagonia is opening again to the world. Tourism is back. In this edition, we’re delighted to highlight and support the local tourism industry and all they have to offer in the Patagonia region through our first ever Summer Travel Guide, written by accomplished travel writers Zoe Baillargeon and Wayne Bernhardson.
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