FutaFest 2013

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Grab your paddle, because the Futaleufú River in Chilean Patagonia’s Palena region is gearing up for its 5th annual FutaFest on February 21-24.
Athletes from 16 countries will converge to compete in white water sports on one of the world’s fastest, most stunning rivers. In addition to an annual trade fair, the festival will this year also include a sprint triathlon featuring a run-bike-paddle format. 
Thanks to word-of-mouth and long-time outfitters established in this small town since the early 90s,  Futaleufu is a global destination for rafting and kayakers. Still, Mitch Sasser, director of Futafest, says festivals such as this one help ensure a sustainable future for rivers, the lifeblood for many towns in Patagonia.  Said Sasser: “If we damage rivers, and don’t try to utilize them in a positive way, we will lose our natural environment.” 
For more information, visit www.futafest.com. Below is the program for this year's event.
FutaFest Activities and Competition Program - Feb. 21-24, 2013 
Feb. 21 - Futaleufu River - Competition - Head-to-Head Raft Race and Boatersross/Slalom(kayak) 
Raft Category (Men & Women - 14ft. , 16ft.)
Kayak Category (Men & Women - Creek, Play)
Feb. 22 -Futaleufu River Competetition Kayak Freestyle 
Categories - Men & Women
Feb. 23 - Open Rafting - Espolon River
(Soft competition - Citizen participation together with competitors from the Futaleufu River competition). Teams of 6 paddlers + Guide. Minimum age 5 years-old. 
$48.000 Chilean pesos per team. Includes rafting equipment and guide. 
Feb.  23- Green Patagonia Fair at Laguna Espejo 
Tour Operators, Hotels, Restaurants, Outdoor sports companies..
Kayak demonostration on the river and around Laguna Espejo
Paddling instruction
Environmental education
Natural resources protection 
Biosphere Reserve
Leave No Trace
Games and activities for youth
Feb. 24 - Futaleufu Downriver Race
Categories (Pro y Masters) - Men - Creek - Play 
Categories (Pro y Masters) - Women - Creek - Play
Feb.  24- Award ceremony and dance party 
Race registration  and trade show information - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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