Seminar: “A Sustainable Future for Patagonia"

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Next Friday, July 26, from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm, at the auditorium of Espacio Fundacion Telefonica in Santiago, Chile, Patagon Journal invites you to join us for our special seminar: “A Sustainable Future for Patagonia.”
The Patagonia region has been called one of the six "hot spots" on the planet with the greatest biodiversity, greatest number of undiscovered species and greatest human threats to that diversity. Recently, five new national parks were created that will significantly further conservation in the region. Still, growing tourism, increasing economic development and climate change in the years and decades to come will threaten this region’s unique biodiversity and spectacular landscape.
Among our panelists are sustainable tourism experts, environmental leaders, scientists and others who will make presentations and receive questions from our audience about the most pressing issues facing Chilean Patagonia. In addition, you can visit the Patagonia in Photos exposition, which is also at Espacio Telefonica and is nearing the end of its four-month run on July 28. 
Admission is free, but space is limited. Reserve your spot by clicking here.
Below, the program for the seminar.

Seminar: "A Sustainable Future for Patagonia" 

9:00: Registrarion
9:30 – 10:00: Keynote speech: Nicolo Gligo, director of the Center for Public Policy Analysis of the Institute for Public Affairs of the University of Chile
10:00 – 11:30: The Route of Parks and the coming tourism boom: how will it affect Patagonia and how can we orient it toward sustainable tourism?
  • Jorge Moller, director of Regenera, and board member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) 
  • Trace Gale, researcher-in-residence, Sustainable Tourism Department, Patagonia Ecosystem Research Center (CIEP)
  • Maria Jose Hess, project director, Friends of Parks of Patagonia
  • Tatiana Sandoval, president, Agrupación de Turismo del Valle Cochamó 
11:30 – 12:00: Coffee break
12:00 – 1:30: In the context of climate change, and continuing pressure from demands for growing economic development, how can Patagonia ensure that it preserves and conserves its globally rare wild places, maintain its unique way of life and build a sustainable future?
  • Peter Hartmann, director, Aysen Reserve of Life Coalition 
  • Gino Cassasa, glaciologist and head of the Glaciology and Snow Unit of Chile's Water Agency
  • Agustín Iriarte, biologist with Flora & Fauna Chile and the Center of Applied Ecology & Sustainability (CAPES)
  • Juan Carlos Cárdenas, executive director of marine protection group Centro Ecocéanos



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