Issue 26: Summer travel guide

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After a covid-19 pandemic that took a severe toll not just on the health of millions of people around the world, but also diverse sectors of the economy, Patagonia is opening again to the world. Tourism is back. In this edition, we’re delighted to highlight and support the local tourism industry and all they have to offer in the Patagonia region through our first ever Summer Travel Guide, written by accomplished travel writers Zoe Baillargeon and Wayne Bernhardson.
In Issue 26, we also have an extensive story by Nadine Lehner about the first all-female expedition to the Northern Patagonia Ice Field, where her team made a first ascent of Cerro Silvia. Our fly fishing columnist, Luis Goycoolea, interviews an authentic Chilean fly fishing legend, Adrian Dufflocq, who set up one of the country’s first fly fishing lodges in 1963. We also have a spectacular photo essay of the birds of Chile by the photographer Cristian Larrere; our executive editor, Jimmy Langman, gives an in-depth look at rural travel and the pristine coast in Purranque; outdoor photographer Colin Henderson contributes a beautiful look at travel opportunities in the Scottish Highlands; Rodrigo Barria profiles the work of the Reñihue Nature Conservancy Foundation; and climber Sebastian Pelletti writes about his first ascent of Cuerno Este del Paine.
We close the issue with a special tribute to Jack Miller, a longtime contributing editor to Patagon Journal. Among the articles Jack wrote for the magazine include the cover story to our December 2011 inaugural edition in which he recounted with wit and lucid detail the historic expedition that he led to the Cordillera Sarmiento range. Sadly, Jack passed away last year. We will miss him greatly. 
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