
Listings RSS

Patagonia Camp


Patagonia Camp Patagonia Camp is the first Luxury Camp in South America. It is an original and distinctive camping concept where every detail has been carefully thought of so that our guests may thoroughly enjoy the magnificent and wild nature of mythical Patagonia, com ...

Categoría:Hotels and Lodging
Telefono(56 - 61) 2415149 / (56 - 2) 228821610

Hostal Las Natalias

Carretera Austral, Futaleufu, Patagonia, Chile

Hostal Las Natalias -10 minutos caminando de la plaza -Amplias habitaciones privadas y compartidas -Gran cocina equipada -Amplia y cómoda sala de estar -WiFi -Staff bilingue  -Información sobre las varias actividades en la zona - ...

Categoría:Hotels and Lodging
Telefono(56) (9) 9631 1330

Matapiojo Anglers


Matapiojo Anglers Our way of working is our way of life: Fly-fishing. Matapiojo Anglers is a fishing operation dedicated to offering quality services to fishermen with or without experience in fly-fishing and we value the environment and contact with nature in the Chilean ...

Telefono+56 989 293 015 (Chile)

Chucao Fishing Lodges


Chucao Fishing Lodges Our foremost aim is to build our lodges in the best possible locations near to the finest fishing areas. Our first location, Chucao Lodge Yelcho, is on the shore of the lake very close to where it empties into the Yelcho River. The lodge is only 45 minute ...

Categoría:Hotels and Lodging
Telefono(56 2) 2201 8571

HorseBack Patagonia


HorseBack Patagonia Nuestros caballos son altamente competentes para llevarnos por los sectores donde hacemos nuestras viajes, y aptos para ser montados por todo tipo de cliente, desde los más experimentados  hasta los que nunca han tenido un acercamiento con los caball ...

Telefono+56 9 6296 9848