
Listings RSS

Volkanica Popular

Suecia 0119, Providencia, Santiago, Chile

Volkanica Somos especialista en tecnología de Montaña, vestuario y equipamiento outdoors. Casa Matriz;+56 2 23357569 Av. Suecia #0119, Providencia, Santiago Horario Lun-Vie 10:00 a 20:00 Sábados 10:00 a 15:00 ****** Puerto Varas:+652237747 Santa Rosa #575 ...

Telephone(2) 2335 7569

Emiliana Organic Vineyards Popular

Edificio WTC Avenida Nueva Tajamar 481 Of. 905, Torre Sur, Santiago, Chile

Emiliana Organic Vineyards Our mission: provide the highest quality wines with a unique expression of terroir achieved through organic and biodynamic agriculture.

Telephone+562 2 353 9130
Tagswine, vino

Patagonia Adventure Expeditions

Casilla 8, Cochrane, Chile

Patagonia Adventure Expeditions Patagonia Adventure Expeditionswas created on the banks of the Baker river in the tiny village of Puerto Bertrand. Jonathan Leidich, after climbing on the northern ice cap, decided he needed to find a way of staying here. With a recent history of river gu ...


Parque Tantauco Popular

Ruta 5 camino a Quellón, Quellón, Chiloe, Chile

Parque Tantauco Parque Tantauco es un proyecto de conservación abierto a todos los visitantes que quieran conocer mas de la biodiversidad de Chiloé.

Telephone(65) 263 3805

Cafe Konken

Prat 340, Coyhaique, Chile

Cafe Konken Un pequeño café... en el fin del mundo. Hours/Horarios: Mon - Fri./Lunes-Viernes: 9:00 am - 8:30 pm Sat:/Sabado: 10:30 am- 8:30 pmcafe


La Posada de los Farios

Casilla 104, Coyhaique, Chile

La Posada de los Farios Established in 1994, La Posada de los Farios is located north of Coyhaique, Chile on a peaceful working cattle ranch overlooking the beautiful and remote Rio Cisnes (Swan River), one the finest trout fishing streams in Patagonia Chile. The fishing is prim ...

Category:Fishing Lodges


Santa Rosa 161, Club de Yates, Puerto Varas, Chile

BirdsChile Since 2009, we offer a wide range of birding and nature trips, trekking, photography tours and family adventures with a wildlife and naturalist orientation. Local culture plays also an essential role in our programmes. Our staff of naturalists guides are ...

Telephone+56 65 2231820

Offtrail Patagonia

Chorrillos 730, Puerto Natales, Magallanes, Chile

Offtrail Patagonia Hiking around the island of Navarino is to reconnect with the origins of the world. The wild landscapes and unpredictable weather contribute to the sensation of accomplishment at the end of the day.


Cabañas Ensenada


Cabañas Ensenada Estamos en el corazón de Ensenada a 42 kms de Puerto Varas, en un bosque nativo de arrayanes, avellanos, olivillos, ulmos y otras especies nativas. Ensenada se encuentra a minutos del Parque Vicente Perez Rosale, Saltos del Petrohue, Lago Todos Los Santos ...

Telephone+56 962381395

OCIO Territorial Hotel

Huenuco S/N, Castro, Chiloe, Chile, 5700000

OCIO Territorial Hotel Frente a los palafitos de Castro, se emplaza Centro de Ocio Hotel & Spa. Para hacer de su estadía una experiencia de relajo inolvidable. Estamos ubicados en la Península de Rilán, frente a Castro aproximadente a 20 minutos del centro de la ciudad. ...


Mitico Puelo Lodge


Mitico Puelo Lodge Mitico Puelo is only accessible by water or air; produces its own energy and, with dead wood from the banks of Lake Tagua Tagua, cooks and heats. The comfort of its facilities, and the wine produced on-site – exclusively from the Patagonian forest - can b ...

Telephone(56 65) 566646

Suray Montaña

Arturo Prat 269, Coyhaique, Aysen, Chile

Suray Montaña Tienda de montaña con productos para toda actividad de montaña, camping, kayak, todo tipo de escalada y trekking.marcas de calidad y tambien consultas para orientarte en la region con utiles consejos para tus salidas al aire libre! 

Telephone(67) 223 4087

Chaitur Excursions

O'Higgins 67, Chaiten, Chile

Chaitur Excursions Chaitur Excursions is a small, family-run company that has been helping travellers discover and enjoy this amazing area of Chile for more than 12 years. Around Chaitén we do: --Trips to Pumalin Park, the most diverse temperate rainforest in the world, in ...
